“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

– Acts 2:42 NIV

Just as the early church and community united to learn about God’s teaching, build fellowship, and share everything, the Hope Church family follows the same path. We love to help create connections, whether you are interested in church “membership” or not. Many opportunities are offered to promote the growth of friendships while learning God’s Word.

We have a variety of affinity groups at Hope Church. These include groups that celebrate books, food, fitness, music, gardening, and Bible study. We invite you to join one (or more) of these groups or even help start a group based on common interest, please contact Hope Church Office at 863-324-6382.



Hope Presbyterian Women’s Circle of Friends is a Fellowship Dinner Circle. As an open membership, we invite all women of the church and friends to share dinner out, once each month on the first Tuesday evening. Currently, we share emails for information about our gatherings and always encourage bringing friends and inviting new members. Our friendly gatherings offer an easy way to become acquainted with new friends. Joys and concerns about Hope Church friends are shared while we enjoy Fun! Our dinners vary, visiting many restaurants around the area, and catered meals in the Parlor at Hope Church. Furthermore, members enjoy opening their homes for carry-in meals with different themes. We love our home gatherings as we find that fellowship is easier when restaurant crowds grow larger during the winter months.

Our attendance varies from 10 – 24, and members donate monthly offerings, plus observe PW Fellowship of the Least Coin. These donations are dedicated to selected areas of need, with members discussing the choices. We recently donated $1,500.00 to Project Love in Eloise, FL. This local mission is supported by Hope Church each year. Circle of Friends has also sponsored new baby gifts for Hope Babies and responds to current areas in need as they occur.

We invite you to join Circle of Friends to make new friends, break bread, and help others along the way.



The Morning Glories Circle meets the first Tuesday morning of each month in the Parlor. We are a small group of ladies who meet for fellowship and Bible study in a fun, knowledgeable, and inspirational way!

Part of our Presbyterian Women’s purpose is to “nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study”. A recent study of focus was the women in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus through the Presbyterian Women/Horizon magazine study, “What My Grandmothers Taught Me”. It was a wonderful, eye-opening study which all enjoyed! We have also included fun and easy studies like Being Presbyterian in the Bible Belt by Ted Foote and P. Alex Thornburg, which helped us understand what we as Presbyterians believe and why we believe this.

Besides Bible study, we enjoy fellowship with each other, and occasional meals shared with other Morning Glories. We support our community through item collections for Project Love bags at Angel Care Center in Eloise. If any ladies (and friends) are interested in joining us, please contact the Hope Church Office at 863-324-6382. All ladies are welcome!



Hope Abides encourage you to come experience the fellowship and camaraderie of our Bible study community. We may have just started with the Words of God as our only common interest, but we have formed a network of women who cheer each other on, celebrate our victories, and support one another during difficult times. Come join us as we lift each other and pray together while growing in Christ by understanding the gospel and applying it to our lives.

During the week our members engage in personal Bible study, diving deeper through prompt questions. We then come together for in-person small group discussions about the passages studied. Each study is usually 6-8 weeks long focusing on a deeper understanding of the Scripture supported by Christian books. These allow us to challenge ourselves to discuss questions we may have regarding what the Bible says about the focus topic. Our diverse group offers a safe environment that brings varied perspectives and experiences. If you are searching for a women’s Bible study that will prompt, prod, and promote your spiritual well-being and open new friendships too, consider contacting HOPE ABIDES through the Hope Church Office at 863-324-6382.



Enjoy Reading? —Come and check out Hope’s Book Club

The Novel Bunch idea is a book club that meets the second Monday morning of the month in the Church Parlor. Books discussed are chosen by the participants and include a wide variety of genres from popular bestsellers to interesting and heartwarming novels, or non-fiction books that are thought-provoking, educational, or spiritual in nature. Enjoy making new friends during our lively book discussions.

Meetings open with prayers and concerns for our church family and worldwide community. We have also participated in developing a mission project for the past several years. In 2022, the Book Club supported Hope Creative School with new books focused on Thanksgiving.

The Novel Bunch Idea maintains and supports the Little Free Library, located under the portico. This special “library” contains both children’s and adult books for our church family and community to take home and enjoy. It was installed several years ago in memory of Veda Lameck, a long-time church member and an active member of the Book Club.

As we enter our 16th year of reading enjoyment, come and join those who love to read and socialize. Members of the Novel Bunch Idea have also met socially outside of the reading meetings. We have gone for Breakfast and a Movie for a read book (most recently Where the Crawdads Sing) and we enjoy fellowship in December with a Christmas brunch.




Sweat’n Hope is an early morning workout (beginners to advanced) Mondays through Fridays, at 5 am. Our program utilizes 30-45 min Beach Body video workouts to focus on cardio, fat burning, upper, lower and core areas. Currently heading into our 5th year, three participants enjoy HIIT, Pilates, boxing, yoga, and cardio. Participants bring mat/thick towel and 2-10lb hand weights or bands. The program provides a great workout and social support to help each of us reach our personal goals: strength, agility, toning, more energy along with weight loss. Participants have also found great emotional support among the group.

We know it sounds early for mornings but you will get out just in time to prepare yourself for work or getting kids out the door. Come join us as we are “Sweat’n Hope”.



Faith and Fitness is an aerobics group meeting on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 3:30 pm.  The group ranges from 3 to 5 members of varying fitness levels who enjoy their time together in exercise.  It’s never too late to start working on your New Year’s resolution so come join us as we sweat together.



“The lesson I have thoroughly learned and wish to pass on to others is to know the enduring happiness that the love of a garden gives.” – Gertrude Jekyll

The Prayerful Pruners meet at least 6 times each year on Saturday mornings between 8:00 AM and 11:00 for collaborative care of our lovely Hope property. There are tasks for all ages, all abilities, and any time available. We want our lovely gardens to be available for prayer and contemplation, for celebration, for remembrance. The old adage holds true, many hands make light work!

The Prayerful Pruners bring garden gloves, a water bottle, and any tool(s) that might be helpful. Direction and additional supplies are provided.

This is a wonderful way to get to know people, get some vitamin D, move your body, and feel a sense of accomplishment!! Questions about the tasks? Call the Hope Church Office at 863-324-6382.



Hope To God is a dedicated group of individuals who pray personal prayers for our church, our church family, our community, our Nation, and our World. They meet every Wednesday at 11:00 AM in the church parlor. Please consider joining us in this important and worthwhile mission. All are welcome to attend or make a prayer request to one of the members of Hope Presbyterian Church Office at 863-324-6382.