Garden of Hope – Columbarium and Memorial Arch & Cross

On the campus of Hope Church is the peaceful and serene Garden of Hope. Among this beautiful memorial garden, parishioners “dwell in the House of the Lord” Psalms 27:4 finding a sacred place for worship, celebration, and meditation.

Hope Church is blessed to have the Columbarium and Memorial Arch & Cross within the Garden. Here we are reminded that the church is a part of life from birth to after death. The Columbarium features a Celtic cross in the center of the vault with individual recessed metal niches for the placement of the earthly remains after cremation. Loved ones are marked by bronze identification plates and the dates of birth and death. The Columbarium is enclosed by a lovely wall and access is gained through a stately wrought iron gate. This wall is illuminated at night and faces our picturesque, landscaped meditation area with seating and decorative walkways.

In addition, loved ones may be interred within niches in front of the Arch & Cross or within the Hope Garden area. The Arch & Cross is designed to blend in with the surrounding natural landscape. While no above-ground markers are permitted, an engraved polymer placement marker is placed beneath the mulch coverings to identify the exact interment placement.

Likewise, Hope Church families find solace in the scattering of loved one’s ashes among the Garden’s enchanting setting. A bronze faceplate inscribed with the dates of birth and death are added to the Hope Church stele which lists previous interred loved ones. The stele is located in the center of the sacred Garden of Hope.

The Garden of Hope is a lovely site allowing the Hope Church family the opportunity to memorialize and honor our loved ones with a final resting haven. Being adjacent to the sanctuary, families find comfort in knowing their loved ones are near.

If you would like more information about the Garden of Hope or the Columbarium and Memorial Arch & Cross, please contact the Hope Church Office at 863-324-6382



Instructions for using Find A Grave

  • Enter
  • Click Cemeteries
  • Enter Hope in the Cemetery Name Box
  • You should see Hope Presbyterian Gardens of Hope and Columbarium
  • Now you can browse the interments or look for a specific individual
  • By registering, you can add virtual flowers and messages to the memorial
  • If you would like additional information displayed about your loved one, contact the church office at 863-324-6382