“Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

– Philippians 2:4-8


At Hope Presbyterian Church, we are driven by this call as we serve and impact our local neighborhoods in multiple ways. Part of the heartbeat of Hope Church is our commitment to helping transform both spiritually and mentally while meeting tangible needs. We strategically partner with other organizations to meet this endeavor communicating the Word of God. 

When you embark on a Mission experience, you discover how your God-given gifts make a difference within and outside the walls of Hope Church. We have so many opportunities for you to jump in to make intentional, targeted changes not only in the lives of others but also in your own. You can participate as a do-er, pray-er, or supporter within our teams. If you are part of our local community, here are some exciting ways that you can come along with us, sharing the Peace of God.

Curious to learn more about our Missions‘ opportunity? Just leave us your contact information here. We welcome your inquiry and promise not to overwhelm you.




“Those who give to the poor will lack nothing” – Proverbs 28:27. Hope Church engages in a hands-on experience to assist students identified for assistance through kidsPACK. We are one of 13 participating churches that pack and deliver prepared meals to designated schools to help feed hungry students in 70 Polk County schools on the weekend. Creating an assembly line, we will place kid-friendly, easy-to-eat nonperishable items to fulfill 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners that are ultimately placed in a backpack at the schools.

We are always welcoming friends to help us work along the line while laughing and engaging in lively conversation. Or if you’d like to help deliver these assembled kidsPACK meals to schools, please contact the Hope Church Office 863-324-6382



As it is written in Proverbs 19:17, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Members of Hope Church continue to help serve those experiencing food insecurity in our community. Four times a year Hope Church will create a meal and help serve those in need at the First Presbyterian Church Soup Kitchen. This is a wonderful opportunity to share our blessings with people who are in dire need of them. Hope Church enables individuals and families to enjoy a hot meal in an environment free of discrimination and prejudice. We not only bring a full meal including desserts and beverages, but we will provide prayer for those who request. Come join like-minded people who have a passion for helping.

If you’d like to experience the kind of satisfaction and peace that no amount of money can buy, call Hope Church Office 863-324-6382 to find out how your can help.



2 Corinthians 9:6-8 “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Hope Church collects donations on the last Sunday of the month for Family Emergency Services. Bring your items to the grocery cart just outside the Sanctuary doors.



If you like to organize, chat, and thrift other people’s donations, then you are just right for joining our Hope Bazaar group. Hope Bazaars are held twice per year as a two-day event, Spring Bazaar and Fall Holiday Bazaar. The Hope Bazaar committee meets every Thursday each month as people clean out and bring their donations. We will organize and tag each item for sale while making friends and engaging in lively discussions.

Items not sold during the Bazaars are given to various organizations including the Care Center of Lake Wales, St Johns Thrift Store, Red Cross, Project Love, and Angels Care. Funds raised during the Bazaar help Hope Missions. Contributions from previous Bazaar funds have benefitted: Nuevo Esperanza; Youth of Hope; My Brother’s Keeper; Lake Wales Care Center; Project Love; Project Love from Christmas Tea; The Mission of Winter Haven; Ian Disaster Relief



Cards of Hope consists of a small group of ladies who meet on Mondays and Fridays in the Education Building.  We make greeting cards that are sent to people who are homebound, ill, or just in need of a word of encouragement.  Cards are also sold to help purchase supplies and to make monetary donations to various charities such as kidsPACK and Project Love.







Boy Scout Cub and Troop 565 have completed 60+ years of service with Hope Presbyterian Church, Winter Haven. We are proud of the many scouters who have completed all the requirements for Scouting’s highest honor, Eagle Scout. Cub and Troop Scout meetings are held on Mondays in the Scout House on the Hope Church campus. Cub Scouts meetings follow the school calendar. Troop meetings continue throughout the calendar year and our Court of Honor is held in the Church Sanctuary. Cubs and Troop encourage friendships, helping others, and community while building skills through fun and rewarding experiences.

If you have a youth interested in learning more about joining Cub or Troop contact the Hope Church office at 863-324-6382



See Hope Creative School website for more information



Do you love to sew? Crochet? Knit? How about making friends for lively conversations? Appreciate helping the community? Then, you will want to join the Comfort Stitchers!

Comfort Stitchers is a group interested in stitching together friendships while making blankets, crochet hats, and pillows. We met monthly with an average of 20 in attendance each month. Comfort Stitchers have shared our creations with residents at the Rohr Home in Bartow, Savannah Court in Bartow, and NuHope Elderly Services in Highlands County. We continue to donate an average of 100 blankets each month to the Child Advocacy Center in Bartow along with occasional blankets to the CAC in Sebring. You’ll find us busy stitching for our monthly aid to the Winter Haven Women’s Hospital with a supply of baby hats, blankets, pillows, prayer shawls, and other baby items. Also, we donate chemo hats to the Lakeland Cancer Center. We welcome not only members of our Hope Church but other religious organizations. Through these connections, we supported a homeless outreach through a church that one of our ladies attends. That program gives out hats and scarves to the homeless during the winter.

Comfort Stitchers also sponsors speakers to share their program’s needs including Meals on Wheels in Highlands County. We donated blankets to them that they provide to their clients to celebrate birthdays. Another agency we help in Highlands County is Healthy Families with Baby Items.

Within our church walls, we were thrilled to support Hope Creative School with a few wall hangings and a stuffed nativity scene that the kids can touch and learn about. We also plan to participate in the Hope Church Bazaar with our wear.



Between the months of February to April, Hope Presbyterian is the site of AARP Tax Aid. Each year on Tuesdays, the Church opens Friendship Hall to professionals who aim to help aid elderly, seniors, and low-income families and individuals in preparation for yearly income taxes. Contact (863) 288-0132 for more information.



GSWCF Cypress Belles Service Unit serves approximately 120 Girls in 11 Troops. Over 50 Adults from the Winter Haven community volunteer with Girl Scouts of West Central Florida. Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. The program brings their dreams to life and helps them work together to build a better world. Backed by trusted Adult Volunteers, Girl Scouts lead the way as they find their voices and make changes that affect the issues most important to them.

Hope Presbyterian Church hosts our monthly Service Unit Leader’s meeting in the Multipurpose Room or Friendship Hall, on first Monday of every month.



Hope Church se asocia con la Iglesia Presbiteriana Nueva Esperanza para proporcionar ministerios de habla hispana. Nueva Esperanza los servicios de adoración en español comienzan a las 11:30 am los domingos. Únase a nosotros mientras alabamos a Dios por sus muchas bendiciones.




Hope Church continues to participate in One Great Hour of Sharing sponsored by PCA. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People are three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing



There are many opportunities for Hope Church to participate in sharing the Word of God through PCUSA.



The area of Presbytery that Hope Presbyterian Church is affiliated with.


Beth-El Farmworker Ministry

Feeding the Mind, Spirit, and Body of the farmworking community and our neighbors in need, through opportunities for hunger relief, education, healthcare, and spiritual growth.