Joseph Brodmann Piano, Model 187, Opus 0002170 (Dedicated July 2015)
Founded in 17th Century Vienna, Austria. Brodmann pianos have been built to exacting standards for more than two hundred years, Musicians such as Beethoven and Carl Maria von Weber owned and played Brodmann pianos. European in design with key components such as solid spruce soundboards, all wood actions, and Roslau strings, considered the finest in the world. Brodmann pianos are known for their distinctive, full-rounded tone.
The piano is dedicated to the Glory of God and in grateful memory of Chuck and Phyllis Seely, faithful members Hope and the Chancel Choir.
Musical Instruments
Franz Heissler Organ Opus 446 (Dedicated October 4, 1987)
– 20 stops/25 ranks
– 56 note manual
– 32 note pedal
Since its founding in 1935, Franz Heissler has built 447 organs throughout Europe, the United States, and Japan. Located in Southern Germany, Heissler continues the European tradition of mechanical action organs. In the United States, these organs are referred to as Tracker Organs, which originated from the German word “spieltraktur” which means “key action”.
Given by members and friends of Hope Presbyterian Church.
For more information about the organ, please visit:

5 octave set of Malmark Handbells