The idea of a second Presbyterian Church in Winter Haven took root in early 1957 when a group of people from First Presbyterian, supported by their pastor and Elders, decided that 44 members desired to form a new church in the fastest-growing southeast part of town. By April 20, 1958, the newly formed congregation had grown to 68 and on that day the Presbytery officially organized Hope Presbyterian Church with those 68 charter members.
Church services were held at Winter Haven High School until the new building was completed in December 1961. The John A Snively family, charter members of the church, gifted Hope Church a large eight-acre corner property. This is where Hope Church continues to stand today. The design and construction of what became known as the education unit was the first building project and was situated on the rear part of the property. This building is where our Friendship Hall building is now located. The building is shaped roughly like the letter “H”. Long hallways contained offices and classrooms, as well as a large meeting room where worship services were held. The first Garden of Hope was in the enclosed courtyard. Within the first 10 years, our church family grew to 330 members.
Looking to the future, the congregation realized its vision of a new sanctuary. This sanctuary would be built on the hillside facing Lake Roy. A dedication service was held on March 8, 1980, with 450 members committing the breathtaking new sanctuary to the service of the Lord our God. The huge Celtic Cross hanging over the Choir was designed and carved by member Elmer Kaiser. It immediately became the focal point of worship at Hope Presbyterian Church. The unique, grand Franz Heissler Organ was installed and dedicated in 1987. And still, the church continued to grow in Service to God in Winter Haven.
Hope Church has worshipped God through traditional, contemporary, and unique services. For a time, Hope Church also held a distinct early morning outdoor drive-in worship service. People drove up to the area near the flagpole and parked their cars in a semi-circle facing the outdoor pulpit. Attendees could remain in their pajamas while still participating.
By 1995, it was clear that even more building space would be required while existing space would need to be redesigned. A complex project commenced. This created a new church office with a music practice facility, the building we know as Administration. Major renovation of the Education Building resulted in the enclosure of the original Garden of Hope. Here, Friendship Hall would now include the construction of an industrial size kitchen and new classroom space. The former offices along the sides of the Sanctuary Building would be remodeled into meeting rooms and libraries. The brand-new Garden of Hope was designed and situated between the buildings and included a quiet meditation garden.
In August of 2007, our church imparted in refurbishing what had become a glorious worn-out sanctuary as well as repair hurricane damage. Then in Spring of 2008, we dedicated a beautiful columbarium as an addition to the Garden of Hope. This would be the year our church family celebrated 50 years of Hope Church.
We continue to remain steadfast in our Faith and Service to God, our Lord. Many community organizations advance through our never-ending missions of service. This includes the creation of Hope Creative School in 1970. This Christian-oriented preschool program provides children of the community the opportunity for building social skills and friendships in a nurturing family-oriented environment which reflects Christian values. Within the last ten years Hope Creative School under the support of Hope Church expanded to include infants and kindergarteners. “Our little flock” is exposed to age-appropriate hands-on learning while experiencing chapel, library, music, prayer, and physical education.
Our ministerial leadership has included seven stated pastors and several interns and associates over the years. Just in the last 10 years, Hope Church has welcomed 179 members of God’s covenant community as new members and an additional 44 through baptism. Hope Church has united 18 couples in marriage and held 53 meaningful and healing funeral ceremonies.
Charter members, who have stayed the course, remain active in their commitment to Hope Church. For their, and others’ vision and example, we are forever grateful. We, as a Church, are blessed to still enjoy their company among us.