Boy Scout Cub and Troop 565 have completed 60 years of service with Hope Presbyterian Church, Winter Haven. In spite of COVID-19, the troop continued to be active and successful. Of the youth scouts and adult scouters, five scouts recently completed all the requirements for Scouting’s highest honor, Eagle Scout in 2022 including our Hope Church member Davis Carmichael. In the Summer of 2023, members of the Troop took the adventure of a lifetime when they trekked for 12 days through the rugged wilderness of Philmont Scout Ranch’s backcountry.
Cub and Troop Scout meetings are held on Mondays in the Scout House on Hope Church campus. Cub Scouts meetings follow the school calendar. Troop meetings continue throughout the calendar year and our Court of Honor is held in the Church Sanctuary. Cubs and Troop encourage friendships, helping others, and community while building skills through fun and rewarding experiences.
Scouts earn merit badges and rank advancement awards. They participate in outdoor overnight activities: including a seven-day summer camp (selected each year by the scouts), canoeing and boating, backpacking trips, cycling ventures, and overnight campouts. Our scouts continue to hone and improve their camping, backpacking, wilderness, cooking, and outdoor skills. Additionally, our scouts participate in a number of service projects, accumulating service hours including service hours for the benefit of Hope Church, Winter Haven. Scout projects to the Church have included renovating and mulching the Church playground; building picnic tables; pancake breakfast; making cookies; placing American flags for the military holidays; and renovating flower beds on Church grounds.
If you have a youth interested in learning more about joining Cubs or Troop contact the Hope Church office at 863-324-6382