Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’”

– Matthew 19:14.


Hope Church provides religious, age-appropriate faith-based activities to foster their understanding of God’s Word. Children and youth are encouraged to be ambassadors for Christ both within Hope Church and the community as they grow and expand their learning and experiences.  A strong Christian foundation allows them to continue trusting and growing in their relationship that will later propel their faithfulness to Christ in all areas as they grow older.  Children and young people will find ample opportunities to praise and worship God in conjunction with Children’s Time and Youth and Hope.


Hope Church creates a welcoming and inviting space during the Sunday Worship Service for children to actively participate.  This begins in the Sanctuary when children join leadership down front for the weekly children’s message. This is followed by Sunday School in the Children’s Room where they will engage in reading the Bible, praying, singing, playing musical instruments, and creating art associated with the worship topic.


Middle and High Schoolers come together to learn and do a deep dive into their Faith through educational programming and spiritual development opportunities. Youth meet with leadership on Sunday afternoons to learn about God, the Bible, theology, and strategies to address life while having fun experiences. The skills of caring, kindness, thoughtfulness, and appreciation of parents and friends are all life skills included in their learning time at Hope Church.

Fun activities have included Summer Church Camp, dinners, picnics, lake days, homebound visits, just to name a few. Youth are also invited to participate in additional Church activities.


Hope Church practices adult, youth, and infant baptism. As a sign and seal of the Covenant of Grace made by God through Jesus Christ and extended to us, we celebrate baptism as a communal act during Sunday worship. Here both the family and Hope Church congregation promise to contribute to the Christian foundation of those baptized. Come accept our invitation to begin a lifelong process of formation in the Christian Faith. Contact our Hope Church Office at 863-324-6382 for more information.


Along with PCUSA, Hope Church youth “seeks to provide a foundational understanding of our Faith, Tradition, and Presbyterian practices”. Our intention is for our youth to trust in God’s Word, share in the Lord’s Supper, and turn to God in prayer allowing them to enter the world as God intends. Our program offers quality time with mentors of the congregation to delve deeper into what it means to be a Christian. Contact Hope Church Office at 863-324-6382 to learn about this opportunity to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.


One of Hope Church’s children’s ministries is Vacation Bible School. Hope Church offers a fun-filled week during the summer for children to develop a stronger relationship with God.  Children will discover God, Jesus, and the Bible through Bible stories, prayer, games, music, crafts, and snacks.